The 4WMM10 E,F,J,H,U,G series of Rexroth 4WMM10 directional spool valve are operated by worker hand directly, to change the position of the direction spool.
Rexroth 4WMM10 Directional Spool Valve
When the spool on the center position, for the E type as example, the oil ports of P, A, B, T are closed. The valve spool moves forward if the hand lever pull forwarder, the inlet oil port P connects to B, and the outlet T port connects to A port accordingly in the valve house. If pulling the
hand lever at the end of the back, the the inlet oil port P connects to A, and the outlet T port connects to B port accordingly in the valve house, achieving the direction processing, which is used to control the oil line on or off, oil directional way or reducing pressure.
Rexroth 4WMM10 Directional Spool Valve dimensions:
Rexroth 4WMM10 Directional Spool Valve Figure: